Bodymapping Performance | MQ Libelle
Client – MuseumsQuartier Wien Composition – Peter KollreiderChoreography – Sara De SantisPerformer – Alberto Cissello, Bianca Anne Braunesberger, Claudia FuernholzerPhotos – eSeLLocation – MQ Libelle
The performance – deals with the creation of new spaces in three acts. Starting from a point – the specific element – a mono-acoustic composition accompanies a dancer to the line, which represents a plan and develops into a dance of two performers and stereo music. In the third dimension, the surface is represented in polygons and three dancers, while the space is occupied by strobes and a four-channel composition.
The Curtain – an abstract, digital installation is laid across the wall like a curtain of light. The spectators become an ephemeral part of the artwork as they move.